Satellite coverage for lightning-fast downloads, while integrating existing cellular networks for efficient and cost-effective uploads. Spacecom offer high-speed broadband downloads via satellite for large-scale home and business users, using existing cellular networks for cost-effective uploads.
Expand Service Area
Full country coverage
More Users on Network
Fast deployment
Higher ARPU (average revenue per user)
Cost Effective (OPEX based)
Offer advanced services (IP Services, TV…)
Data offload
Triple play offer
Higher ARPU (average revenue per user)
There is a need to answer the Market Demand for High Quality, Cost-effective Broadband services and Content for Anyone – Everywhere. Taking advantage of satellite capacity and vast coverage to offer broadband high speed download to the large scale Home & Business users while leveraging existing Cellular network for cost effective upload.
Now you can be the provider for the Market Demand for High Quality, Cost-effective Broadband services and rich Content for Anyone – Everywhere.
Connect Effortlessly
Reduce Costs
Access reliable Internet from Any location.
Tap into over 30 years of experienced advice and take a leap toward new opportunities and business success.
Tap into over 30 years of experienced advice and take a leap toward new opportunities and business success.
Accelerate Your Business Growth
Accelerate Your Business Growth
Accelerate Your Business Growth
Accelerate Your Business Growth