
Spacecom signs contract with Nigeria’s IDS Africa for broadcast services on AMOS-17 communications satellite


Spacecom , operator of the AMOS satellite fleet, today announced that Nigeria-based IDS Africa is the newest broadcaster to sign up for broadcast services on the AMOS-17 satellite.

The satellite is scheduled to be launched to its 17°E orbital position in August 2019. IDS Africa will use the satellite to broadcast Channels TV news programming throughout Nigeria as well as to the Nigerian diaspora in Europe. Spacecom worked closely with local partner Intertel Nigeria to bring this deal to fruition.

Specifically designed to meet Africa’s fast-moving communication demands, AMOS-17’s advanced digital payload will be Africa’s most technologically advanced satellite. It will provide extensive C-Band HTS capabilities, Ka-Band and Ku-Band to a range of markets and will combine broad regional beams and high throughput spot beams to maximize throughput and spectral efficiency to connect Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

Toyin Ogunlade of IDS Africa commented, “We are very much looking forward to using AMOS-17’s beams to broadcast Channels TV to our audiences here in Nigeria and abroad. The satellite’s power will enable our entertainment and messages to be easily picked up and enjoyed by our audiences.”

Jacob Keret, Spacecom Senior VP Sales and Marketing stated, “AMOS-17 will service Nigeria as well as the rest of Sub-Sahara Africa. One of the prime markets we are targeting is that of broadcast. We are looking forward to broadcasting IDS Africa’s content and to working closely with their team.”

About Spacecom

Spacecom (Space-Communication Ltd.), operator of the AMOS-3 and AMOS-7 satellites co-located at 4°W, and AMOS-4 at 65°E, provides high-quality broadcast and communication services to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia via direct-to-home (DTH) and direct broadcast satellite (DBS) operators, Internet service providers (ISPs), telecom operators, network integrators and government agencies.

With the addition of AMOS-17, Spacecom will further expand its reach reinforcing its position as a leading multi-regional satellite operator.

About Spacecom

Spacecom is a leading global fixed-satellite operator and satellite service provider, offering tailored end-to-end communication solutions to the Media and Broadband industries. Operating the advanced AMOS satellite fleet, Spacecom provides innovative broadcast and broadband satellite services with European, Pan-African, Middle Eastern and Asian coverage and cross region connectivity.

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